English below - Nuestra Charlotte, residente del Coworking creativo de La Botànica desde hace ya unos meses, nos cuenta un poco de su vida y de sus experiencias en el mundo en el que acaba de aterrizar, el mundo del Arte. ¡A practicar un poco de inglés ahora!
You can say that your life drastically changed at some point and you decided to take the path of the creativity. What happened?
I have always enjoyed being creative and I worked as a special effects make up artist in London when I was 19, however I then ended up working in hospitality for 3 years in Piccadilly Circus (which I loved). But I was started to crave something new, so, I decided to leave and go to Ibiza, at the beginning of my first winter there I started to paint and slowly started to get paid for painting. I started off by working about 5 jobs haha I was painting murals, making decorations and props for nightclubs, organising children’s art clubs, babysitting and face painting !
You have traveled a lot. After which experiences do you think your creativity started to blossom?
The bohemian Ibiza life definitely inspired me, also living in Costa Rica for a few months gave me lots of time to paint and being in nature influenced my early style. I started off painting lots of very psychedelic & geometric art.

In creative peoples lives there are lots of ups and downs. Could you give us some suggestions of what you do during these days where nothing seems to go well?
I try to just accept it and listen to my body/brain. It can be very frustrating though. I find if I take a day off and spend it out in nature then I usually come back the day after feeling more energised and inspired.
You paint lots of musicians. What inspires you to choose them? Their music, their stories? Both?
I love music and listen to lots of music and audiobooks while I paint. The music inspires me to create and I also like to listen to interviews and live shows of the artists I choose to paint so I can learn lots more about them as I’m painting, this helps me to capture their personalities in my portraits.
Do you have any art life experiences that you look back on and laugh about? But they weren’t very funny at the time!
Yes I have a few! Once I turned up with a broken arm and leg to paint decorations for a nightclub in Ibiza. My right arm was broken (and that’s the hand I paint with), but I really needed the money and really wanted to work.... so I tried to convince them I could do a good job with my left hand! (I couldn’t).
Muchas gracias por tu tiempo Charlotte!